# Classes
declare function addClass(classNames: string): this;
declare function removeClass(classNames: string): this;
declare function toggleClass(classNames: string): this;
Each of these methods accepts a spaced separated string to manipulate multiple classes at once (just like using jQuery).
# LightqueryCollection#addClass
Add classes to each element.
µ(/**/).addClass("btn"); //-> this LightqueryCollection
// every item has now the class `btn`
µ(/**/).addClass("btn btn-primary"); //-> this LightqueryCollection
// every item has now both classes (`btn` and `btn-primary`)
# LightqueryCollection#removeClass
Remove classes for each element.
µ(/**/).removeClass("btn btn-primary"); //-> this LightqueryCollection
// now none of the items have any of these classes
# LightqueryCollection#toggleClass
Toggle classes for each element.
Toggling is on a per item basis (i.e. [has, doesn't have, has] toggled will give [doesn't have, has, doesn't have]).
µ(/**/).toggleClass("active"); //-> this LightqueryCollection