# Exports

This library exports the following items:

// >ES6
import { µ, $, lq, lightquery, makePureLightquery } from "light_query"

// node
const { µ, $, lq, lightquery, makePureLightquery } = require("light_query");

// browser
const { µ, $, lq, lightquery, makePureLightquery } = window;

$, lq and lightquery are all aliases to the same µ (i.e. an instance of LightqueryFactory).

makePureLightquery is a simple function that allows to create a new blank copy of the default instance of LightqueryFactory.


The function signature is the following

declare function makePureLightquery(strict?: boolean);

Thus you can write:

  • makePureLightquery() or makePureLightquery(true) to create a new instance with strict mode ON
  • makePureLightquery(false) to create a new instance with strict mode OFF