# Misc
declare function add(selector: Selector, context?: DomElementType): LightqueryCollection;
declare function css(properties: string|string[]|Record<string, string|number>, value?: string|number): this|string|number|null;
declare function cssVar(variable: string, value?: string|number): this|string|number|null;
declare function animate(keyframes?: Keyframe[]|PropertyIndexedKeyframes, options?: KeyframeAnimationOptions|number, fillDirection?: "forwards"|"backwards"|"none"): this;
<!-- [...] -->
<!-- [...] -->
<div id="alpha">
<span class="alert alert-danger">Alert lmao</span>
<form id="beta" class="form">
<div id="fieldA" class="form-control">
<input id="yesiam" type="text" name="yesiam"/>
<div id="fieldB" class="form-control">
<div class="js-form">
<div class="js-form__file"></div>
<input id="myfile" type="file" name="myfile"/>
<div id="gamma">
<span id="s1" class="odd"></span>
<span id="s2" class="even"></span>
<span id="s3" class="odd"></span>
<span id="s4" class="even"></span>
<span id="s5" class="odd"></span>
<span id="s6" class="even"></span>
<span id="s7" class="odd"></span>
<div id="delta" style="background-color: red;">
<div class="ref"></div>
<!-- [...] -->
# Lightquery#add
Add elements to the current set of results:
µ("#delta > *").add("#gamma > .even");
//-> LightqueryCollection[ div.ref, div#s2, div#s4, div#s6 ]
If you used a context
on the first selection (or the add
selection), it won't be retained
for the result set. Thus there is no context
on the result.
# LightqueryCollection#css
Get/set css properties:
const $delta = µ("#delta");
// Get the value
$delta.css("backgroundColor"); //-> "red"
$delta.css("background-color"); //-> "red"
// Set the value
$delta.css("backgroundColor", "blue"); //-> $delta
// Get multiple values
$delta.css(["backgroundColor"]); //-> { backgroundColor: "blue" }
// Set multiple values
backgroundColor: "white",
width: "10px",
}); //-> $delta
$delta.css(["width", "backgroundColor"]); //-> { width: "10px", backgroundColor: "white" }
Note that the results are the computed styles, not the stylsheet properties.
# LightqueryCollection#cssVar
Get/set a CSS3 variable locally for each element:
const $document = µ(document);
const $gamma = µ("#gamma");
$document.cssVar("color", "red"); //-> $document
$document.cssVar("color"); //-> "red"
$document.cssVar("--color"); //-> "red"
$gamma.cssVar("color"); //-> "red"
$gamma.cssVar("--color", "blue"); //-> $gamma
$gamma.cssVar("color"); //-> "blue"
$document.cssVar("color"); //-> "red"
Getting a value will only retrieve the value of the first element.
# LightqueryCollection#animate
A wrapper around Element#animate
const $delta = µ("#delta");
{ // from
opacity: 0,
{ // to
opacity: 1,
], 350);
opacity: [0, 1], // [from, to]
}, 350);
Due to how this API work, if you want to retain the animation CSS, you need to specify
opacity: [0, 1], // [from, to]
}, {
duration: 350,
fill: "forwards",
As a shorthand, you can use the third argument to specify the fill direction:
opacity: [0, 1],
}, 350, "backwards");
By default, the fill direction is "forwards"