# Strict mode

By default, strict mode is enabled to have a safer, predictable and reproducible experience.

# Checking for strict mode


declare function isStrictModeOn(): boolean;

By using µ.isStrictModeOn() you can determine whether or not strict mode is on.

# Setting strict mode


declare function setStrictMode(strict: boolean): this;
declare function turnStrictModeOn(): this;
declare function turnStrictModeOff(): this;

You can either manually set strict mode using µ.setStrictMode or use the specialized µ.turnStrictModeOn() and µ.turnStrictModeOff().

# Execute maybe unsafe code


declare function doWithoutStrictMode<R>(callback: Callback<R>): this;

Sometimes you may want to temporarily execute code without strict mode, for instance you want to try to register plugins and don't care about failure if it's already registered. You can do that with µ.doWithoutStrictMode.

µ.registerPlugin("life", 42);

µ.doWithoutStrictMode(() => {
    µ.registerPlugin("stuff", () => {});
    µ.registerPlugin("life", 42);
}); // No exception thrown