Support Class Library
A set of tools providing classes and utility
▼Nscl | Global namespace of the SCL |
Nalias | Namespace for all the type aliases |
▼Nasync | Base namespace for asynchronous APIs |
Ndetails | |
Ncli | Alias for scl::console |
▼Nconcepts | A lightweight concept-like library for C++11 |
Ndetails | Implementation details for concepts |
Nconsole | Alias for scl::tools::iostream::log |
▼Ndetect | Namespace for detecting features, platform, etc.. |
▼Nplatform | Namespace for platform detection |
Nunified | Platform detection but in a unified way (e.g |
Nexceptions | The namespace englobing all exception types |
Nhttp | Namespace for the HTTP components |
Nprelude | Namespace that groups together a lot of useful and often used features in one place |
▼Nstream | Namespace of the stream API |
▼Ncreators | Namespace for functions and utilities that create streams (lazy) |
Ndetails | Implementation details of creators |
▼Ndetails | Implementation details for the stream API |
Niterator | Iterators abstract classes |
▼Noperators | Namespace for intermediate operations on streams (lazy) |
Ndetails | Namespace for implementation details of operators |
▼Nterminators | Namespace for stream terminal/final operations (eager) |
Ndetails | Namespace for implementation details of terminators |
▼Npack | A namespace for packing operations (getting a result as a container) |
Ndetails | Implementation details for packing operations |
▼Ntools | General purpose tooling |
▼Niostream | Namespace for the iostream oriented tools |
▼Nlog | Logging utilities |
Nprefixed | Logging funtions with prefixes |
Nsurrounded | Logging utils but with both prefix and suffix |
Nwrap | Alias for scl::tools::iostream::log::surrounded |
Nmake | Group of factory functions |
▼Nmeta | A namespace englobing all the TMP tools |
Ndetails | Namespace for implementation details for TMP |
▼Nutils | Utility classes (and rare functions) |
Ndetails | Implementation details for the utility classes |
Nplaceholder | Namespace holding the constexpr global variable "_" |