Support Class Library
A set of tools providing classes and utility
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NsclGlobal namespace of the SCL
 NaliasNamespace for all the type aliases
 NasyncBase namespace for asynchronous APIs
 NcliAlias for scl::console
 NconceptsA lightweight concept-like library for C++11
 NdetailsImplementation details for concepts
 NconsoleAlias for scl::tools::iostream::log
 NdetectNamespace for detecting features, platform, etc..
 NplatformNamespace for platform detection
 NunifiedPlatform detection but in a unified way (e.g
 NexceptionsThe namespace englobing all exception types
 NhttpNamespace for the HTTP components
 NpreludeNamespace that groups together a lot of useful and often used features in one place
 NstreamNamespace of the stream API
 NcreatorsNamespace for functions and utilities that create streams (lazy)
 NdetailsImplementation details of creators
 NdetailsImplementation details for the stream API
 NiteratorIterators abstract classes
 NoperatorsNamespace for intermediate operations on streams (lazy)
 NdetailsNamespace for implementation details of operators
 NterminatorsNamespace for stream terminal/final operations (eager)
 NdetailsNamespace for implementation details of terminators
 NpackA namespace for packing operations (getting a result as a container)
 NdetailsImplementation details for packing operations
 NtoolsGeneral purpose tooling
 NiostreamNamespace for the iostream oriented tools
 NlogLogging utilities
 NprefixedLogging funtions with prefixes
 NsurroundedLogging utils but with both prefix and suffix
 NwrapAlias for scl::tools::iostream::log::surrounded
 NmakeGroup of factory functions
 NmetaA namespace englobing all the TMP tools
 NdetailsNamespace for implementation details for TMP
 NutilsUtility classes (and rare functions)
 NdetailsImplementation details for the utility classes
 NplaceholderNamespace holding the constexpr global variable "_"