Support Class Library
A set of tools providing classes and utility
▼Nscl | Global namespace of the SCL |
▼Nasync | Base namespace for asynchronous APIs |
►Ndetails | |
CActive | A class that allow task execution on a separate thread using RAII semantics |
CAsyncQueue | |
CChannel | A channel to use for asynchronous communication of data in a queued manner |
CMutexed | A wrapper class that protects a value with a lock |
Cwith_traits | Traits for use with the scl::async::with function |
Cwith_traits< Mutexed< T > > | |
Cwith_traits< std::mutex > | |
▼Nconcepts | A lightweight concept-like library for C++11 |
►Ndetails | Implementation details for concepts |
CAssignableWith | AssignableWith concept, a type U is assignable to a type T if operator=() is defined for both types (or implicit conversions) |
CBinaryPredicate | BinaryPredicate concept, a type F is a binary predicate over T and U if it is an n-ary predicate over those types |
CBoolean | Boolean concept, a type is boolean if it defines all boolean operations |
CCharTraits | CharTraits concept |
CConstructible | Constructible concept, a type is constructible with the given arguments if it is destructible and meta::is_constructible<T, Args...>() is true |
CConvertibleTo | Conversion concept, a type From is convertible to another type To if meta::is_convertible<From, To>() is true |
CCopyable | Copyable concept, a type is copyable if it is both copy constructible and copy assignable |
CCopyAssignable | CopyAssignable concept, a type T is copy assignable if meta::is_copy_assignable<T>() is true |
CCopyConstructible | CopyConstructible concept, a type T is copy constructible if meta::is_copy_constructible<T>() is true |
CDefaultConstructible | DefaultConstructible concept, a type T is default constructible if it defines a default constructor |
CDerivedFrom | DerivedFrom concept, a type Derived is derived from another type Base if Derived is a derives from Base |
CDestructible | Destructible concept, a type T is destructible if it defines a destructor that won't throw |
CEqualityComparable | EqualityComparable concept, a type T is equality comparable if it defines an operator== with itself |
CEqualityComparableWith | EqualityComparableWith concept, a type T is equality comparable with another type U if it defines an operator== with U |
CFunctionObject | FunctionObject concept, a type F is a function object that accepts Args.. |
CHash | Hash concept, a type T is an hash for Key if it is a function object, copy constructible, destructible, and the return type of its invocation w/ a Key is std::size_t |
CInequalityComparable | InequalityComparable concept, a type T is equality comparable if it defines an operator!= with itself |
CInequalityComparableWith | InequalityComparableWith concept, a type T is equality comparable with another type U if it defines an operator!= with U |
CIntegral | Intergal concept, a type T is integral if meta:is_integral<T>() is true |
CInvocable | Invocable concept, a type F is invocable with Args if meta::is_invocable<F, Args...>() is true |
CIterator | Iterator concept, a type is an iterator if it is copyable, destructible, swappable, has well-defined iterator_traits and can be incremented and dereferenced |
CLessThanComparable | LessThanComparable concept, a type T is less than comparable if it defines an operator< with itself |
CLessThanComparableWith | LessThanComparableWith concept, a type T is equality comparable with another type U if it defines an operator< with U |
CMovable | Movable concept, a type is movable if it is both move constructible and move assignable |
CMoveAssignable | MoveAssignable concept, a type T is move assignable if meta::is_move_assignable<T>() is true |
CMoveConstructible | MoveConstructible concept, a type T is move constructible if meta::is_move_constructible<T>() is true |
CNonCopyable | NonCopyable concept, a type is non copyable if it is neither copy constructible nor copy assignable |
CNonMovable | NonMovable concept, a type is non movable if it is neither move constructible nor move assignable |
CNullablePointer | NullablePointer concept, a type is said to be a nullable pointer type if its interactions w/ nullptr are defined and can be compared using operator!= |
CPredicate | Predicate concept, a type F is a predicate with Args if it is RegularInvocable and its result is Boolean |
CRegular | Regular concept, a type is Regular if it is SemiRegular and EqualityCOmparable |
CRegularInvocable | RegularInvocable concept, a type F is regular invocable with Args if it is Invocable and is equality preserving and does not modify its arguments |
CRelation | Relation concept, a type R is a relation between T and U if it defines the 4 combinations |
CSame | Same concept, two types Lhs and Rhs are considered the same if meta::is_same<Lhs, Rhs>() is true |
CSemiRegular | SemiRegular concept, a type is semi regular if it is Copyable and DefaultConstructible |
CSigned | Signed concept, a type T is signed if meta::is_signed<T>() is true |
CSignedIntegral | SignedIntegral concept, a type is a signed integral if it is both Integral and Signed |
CSwappable | Swappable concept, a type is swappable if it defines swapping mecanisms |
CUnsigned | Unsigned concept, a type T is unsigned if meta::is_unsigned<T>() is true |
CUnsignedIntegral | UnsignedIntegral concept, a type is an unsigned integral if it is both Integral and Unsigned |
CValueSwappable | ValueSwappable concept, a type is value swappable if it is an iterator type and its value type is swappable |
▼Ndetect | Namespace for detecting features, platform, etc.. |
►Nplatform | Namespace for platform detection |
▼Nexceptions | The namespace englobing all exception types |
CEmptyOptionalAccess | Exception class used when attempting to access the value of an empty scl::utils::Optional |
CException | Base class for all regular exceptions |
CInvalidAnyCast | Exception class used when attempting to cast an Any to the wrong type |
CInvalidArgument | Exception class used when passing an argument that does not respect the preconditions |
CInvalidCast | Exception class used when a conversion is impossible |
CInvalidEitherAccess | Exception class used when attempting to access the wrong type stored in an scl::utils::Either |
CInvalidResource | Exception class used when a resource is used without specialized traits |
CInvalidResultAccess | Exception class used when attempting to access the wrong type stored in an scl::utils::Either |
CNonNullViolation | |
COutOfBound | Exception class used when attempting to access elements out of bounds (eg |
CRuntimeException | Base class for exceptions that could never be checked at compile-time |
CThrowable | Base class of all throwable objects |
CUninitializedMemoryAccess | Exception class used when trying to access uninitialized memory |
▼Nhttp | Namespace for the HTTP components |
CStatusCode | |
CVersion | A pseudo enum class that describes the version of the HTTP Protocol |
▼Nstream | Namespace of the stream API |
►Ncreators | Namespace for functions and utilities that create streams (lazy) |
►Ndetails | Implementation details for the stream API |
►Noperators | Namespace for intermediate operations on streams (lazy) |
►Nterminators | Namespace for stream terminal/final operations (eager) |
CStream | Class representing a stream of data |
▼Ntools | General purpose tooling |
►Niostream | Namespace for the iostream oriented tools |
►Nmeta | A namespace englobing all the TMP tools |
▼Nutils | Utility classes (and rare functions) |
►Ndetails | Implementation details for the utility classes |
CAny | Class that can hold any value type (and change value type mid lifetime) |
►CEither | Alternative type that stores one or the other |
CNone | An empty class serving as the type of an empty Optional<T> |
COptional | A class that allows the use of optional types (might be there) |
CPlaceholder | Class representing parameter/return argument placholders |
CRawStorage | Class that handles raw storage (and manual memory management) for a variable type |
CResult | |
CToString | |
CToString< None > | A specialization of ToString for None type |
CToString< Optional< T >, scl::tools::meta ::enable_if_t< scl::tools::meta ::defines_scl_to_string< T >() > > | |
CToString< scl::http::StatusCode > | |
CToString< scl::http::Version, void > | |
CToString< T, scl::tools::meta ::enable_if_t< scl::tools::meta ::defines_std_to_string< T >() > > | Specialization for types that define std::to_string |
CToString< T, scl::tools::meta ::enable_if_t< scl::tools::meta ::is_base_of< scl::exceptions::Throwable, T >() > > | Specialization of ToString for Throwable types |
CToString< T, scl::tools::meta ::enable_if_t< scl::tools::meta ::is_same< T, char >()||scl::tools::meta ::is_same< T, const char * >()||scl::tools::meta ::is_same< T, std::string >() > > | Specialization for types convertible to string |
▼Nstd | STL namespace |
Ctuple_size< scl::async::Channel< T, Lock, Guard, Container > > |