# Helpers


The helpers exposed by this library are available both on the Vue instances and on the Vue object itself once the plugin is registered :

Vue.$myHelper /* [...] */
this.$myHelper /* [...] */
helper type description
GdprStorage enum GdprStorage (opens new window) Enum that lists the storage locations available
gdpr ManagerWrapper extends Vue Wrapper around a naked GdprManager (opens new window) that provides superpowers as well as an "event bus" interface
gdpr_savior VueSavior extends GdprSaviorAdapter Wrapper around a naked GdprSavior (opens new window) that allows to properly reflect changes and give access to saving/restoring/checking

# Storage

This plugin exposes gdpr-guard's GdprStorage (opens new window) which allows you to perform conditional rendering within your templates if you ever wish to do so.

# Wrapper

It is a complete wrapper around the GdprManager (opens new window) that you pass to the plugin. Its simpler interface is mainly for internal use purposes but it provides useful information such as knowing whether or not a guard is enabled.

The "target" are the unique name given to your guards.

method arguments returns description
closeBanner Close the GDPR banner and execute enable/disable hooks/events
resetAndShowBanner Resets the GDPR banner's state to "not shown"
getEventsHub GdprManagerEventsHub (opens new window) The hub to which you can attach listeners for guard's enable/disable state (when the user closes the GDPR banner, or when the state is restored)
raw GdprManagerRaw (opens new window) Get the raw representation of the manager's state
json Alias for ManagerWrapper#raw
toString string The actual JSON string representation of the manager's state
disable target: ?string = null ManagerWrapper Disable the target (or itself if no target is provided)
enable target: ?string = null ManagerWrapper Enable the target (or itself if no target is provided)
isEnabled name: string bool Determine whether or not a guard is enabled
hasGuard guardName: string bool Determine whether or not there's a guard with the given name in the manager's hierarchy
getGuard guardName: string ?GdprGuardRaw (opens new window) Retrieve a guard from the manager
hasGroup groupName: string bool Determine whether or not the manager has a specific group (as a "top level" group)
getGroup groupName: string ?GdprGuardGroupRaw (opens new window) Retrieve a "top level" group
disableForStorage storage: GdprStorage, target: ?string = null ManagerWrapper Disable guards for the given storage (starting from the specified target)
enableForStorage storage: GdprStorage, target: ?string = null ManagerWrapper Enable guards for the given storage (starting from the specified target)
toggleForStorage storage: GdprStorage, target: ?string = null ManagerWrapper Toggle guards for the given storage (starting from the specified target)