
  • GdprGuardHooks


useAttachGdprListenersEffect: UseAttachGdprListenersEffect

Hook to attach enable/disable listeners to the manager's GdprManagerEventHub

useGdpr: UseGdpr

Hook to handle a whole GdprManager's state

useGdprComputed: UseGdprComputed

Hook to (re-)compute a value based on changes in the GdprManager

useGdprGuard: UseGdprGuard

Hook to handle a single GdprGuard's state

useGdprGuardEnabledState: UseGdprGuardEnabledState

Hook to get the enabled state of a given GdprGuard

useGdprManager: UseGdprManager

Hook to have access to the manager (or more accurately the ManagerWrapper) from anywhere

useGdprSavior: UseGdprSavior

Hook to have access to the GdprSavior from anywhere

useSetupGdprEffect: UseSetupGdprEffect

Hook to bootstrap the whole GDPR logic